Daiva Liubomirskiene was elected as a new member o
Post# of 301275

Northern Horizon Capital AS (the Management Company ) as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund ) hereby informs that the sole shareholder of the Management Company, Northern Horizon Capital A/S, recalled Reimo Hammerberg from the supervisory board and elected Ms Daiva Liubomirskiene as a new member of the supervisory board of the Management Company as of 5 September 2017 for a period of 5 years.
Daiva Liubomirskiene was born at 1975 and acts as a General Legal Counsel to Northern Horizon Capital Group. Between 2014-2017 she was working as an attorney at Sorainen Law Firm. Currently she holds board positions also in the following Northern Horizon Group entities: NH-CAP A/S, Northern Horizon Capital Health Care Denmark K/S, Northern Horizon Capital UAB, Northern Horizon Nordic Aged Care S.a.r.l, Northern Horizon Capital AIFM Oy, Northern Horizon Capital Oy, Northern Horizon Russia Partners I Oy, Northern Horizon Healthcare II Partners Oy, Northern Horizon Capital AB, EPI Russia I Holding Oy, Laurus S.a.r.l., Nordic Aged Care Holding 1 S.a.r.l, Nordic Aged Care Holding 2 S.a.r.l. Daiva holds a master’s degree in law from University of Vilnius (2001). Daiva Liubomirskiene does not hold units of the Fund.
Additional information:
Tarmo Karotam Baltic Horizon Fund manager E-mail tarmo.karotam@nh-cap.com www.baltichorizon.com
Distribution: GlobeNewswire, Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq Stockholm, www.baltichorizon.com
The Fund is a registered contractual public closed-end real estate fund that is managed by Alternative Investment Fund Manager license holder Northern Horizon Capital AS. Both the Fund and the Management Company are supervised by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority.