Traffic Data August 2017 The Company carried 529
Post# of 301275

The Company carried 529 thousand passengers on international flights in August. The number of passengers was up by 10% as compared to August last year. The capacity increase totalled 12% between years. The passenger load factor was 87.9% compared to 87.6% at the same time last year. The number of passengers on domestic and regional flights was 39 thousand in August, increasing by 4% between years. The capacity was increased by 3% compared to August 2016. The load factor was 72.3% increasing by 2.4 percentage points between years. Sold block hours in charter flights increased by 22% between years. Cargo transport increased by 35% year-on-year due to increased import to Iceland and via transport between Europe and N-America. The number of sold room nights at our Hotels was down by 5% compared to previous year. The room utilisation was 88.6%, compared to 90.3% in August last year. Walk-in traffic was less than expected together with more group cancellations than last year.
INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS | AUG 17 | AUG 16 | CHG (%) | YTD 17 | YTD 16 | CHG (%) |
Number of Passengers | 528,699 | 482,569 | 10% | 2,823,632 | 2,516,522 | 12% |
Load Factor | 87.9% | 87.6% | 0.3 ppt | 83.8% | 83.1% | 0.7 ppt |
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000) | 1,895.7 | 1,697.6 | 12% | 10,456.6 | 9,205.6 | 14% |
Number of Passengers | 38,955 | 37,405 | 4% | 236,033 | 222,640 | 6% |
Load Factor | 72.3% | 69.9% | 2.4 ppt | 67.5% | 69.6% | -2.1 ppt |
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000) | 27.2 | 26.6 | 3% | 144.7 | 131.5 | 10% |
CHARTER FLIGHTS | AUG 17 | AUG 16 | CHG (%) | YTD 17 | YTD 16 | CHG (%) |
Fleet Utilisation | 100.0% | 100.0% | 0.0 ppt | 97.1% | 95.9% | 1.2 ppt |
Sold Block Hours | 2,442 | 2,003 | 22% | 17,594 | 15,893 | 11% |
CARGO | AUG 17 | AUG 16 | CHG (%) | YTD 17 | YTD 16 | CHG (%) |
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000) | 11,004 | 8,172 | 35% | 76,008 | 68,864 | 10% |
HOTELS | AUG 17 | AUG 16 | CHG (%) | YTD 17 | YTD 16 | CHG (%) |
Available Hotel Room Nights | 38,786 | 40,012 | -3% | 260,866 | 241,941 | 8% |
Sold Hotel Room Nights | 34,368 | 36,147 | -5% | 212,671 | 199,281 | 7% |
Utilisation of Hotel Rooms | 88.6% | 90.3% | -1.7 ppt | 81.5% | 82.4% | -0.9 ppt |
For further detailed information please contact:
Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801 Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 840-7010