Been to a birthday party and the movies after which I just read your emotional reply. Using money to make more money is what investing is all about, but after you buy you have to know when you have had enough and need to sell. So make your command decision and sell if you can not wait. The Audit is a Very Important step. And while I can't guarantee that if 2 years of audits are done tomorrow that financing gets done on Thursday. They can change the name, and ticker symbol. I can tell you that any BIG money should have Already been in the Freaking process of doing their own DD and will feel much more comfortable moving forward with their investment After the Audit is complete.. Especially since a reputable firm is handling the Audit. As I stated after the Audit things will start falling in place unless I've been lied too several times. I don't need to sugar coat anything you have an entry point If you are so doubtful do what you need to, make your command decision. But please Don't lecture me on investing your barking up the wrong tree, investing allowed me to retire at an early age. Skepticism is great but you sound beyond that.