One thing I don't like about IHang is that I just lost a long post I had written in response to Manuel because his post was removed. The response I wrote took time and effort and the rest of the board could have benefited imo from reading it even if it was a response to a removed post. Bottom line I think my post about Beverly at the swamp struck a nerve and I pointed out that retail shorting of the stock was good for it as borrowed shares are in play and the short will be covered at some point. NTEK is not being shorted by retail. Abusive naked shorting is criminal and that is what we are fighting. These shorts do not borrow shares and sell with the intent of never having to cover.
These shorts are responsible for having flooded the market with non existent shares. Yes NTEK sold shares to raise capital but that is why companies go public to raise capital. Were it not for the criminals attacking the company we would never have had the reverse split imo or at least never at the ratio that was required. Patrick Byrne of Overstock describes the process in this video which all longs should watch:
Go NTEK!!!