already known: yet significant: a. "The Israel-
Post# of 15624
a. "The Israel-based company has made tremendous strides in developing its clinical programs, including its topical cannabinoid-based psoriasis cream that could provide much-needed relief to millions of sufferers worldwide."
as we already know: 125 million sufferers of psoriasis worldwide... the word in the above sentence-"millions"
only a small percentage of psor. sufferers adds up to billions gross for owcp..
a LOT is coming next 60 days,changing, imo, owcp to the major leagues instead of the minor leagues.. will be very interesting to see the devolopments in the 3rd and 4th quarters this year and into '18...
and owcp has so much else going for it...those that held and will hold will be rewarded handsomely for it...