I don't quite understand your last statement but I
Post# of 75206
My position on RMHB has stayed the same since THCZ. I invested in the company and management. If I don't like what they are doing it I'd pull my funds. It's not my company to run. Done it before and I will do it again.
Questioning a company's motives in a public post instead of emailing the company directly and posting their reply is just trying to plant seeds of doubt. Unless you're a true stock market hero and trying to save investors on a bad stock. But then why would you still be invested in the stock.
I guess I just don't understand the reasoning behind posting questions or statements that could be answered by doing your do diligence and finding the answers from the horse's mouth.
RMHB has come through on all of their promises so far. The timeline doesn't always match up but anyone with logistic experience knows things don't go as planned and unknowns pop up. Every move this company makes is an attempt to move forward ( whether it's good or bad in anyone's opinion) not crash and steal money. Have faith in your investment and stick to your guns flip flop.
I look forward to reading your next Adriondackhi ass kiss tonight and your day time basher agreements

Go RMHB Management!