good post and we'll constructed too. One thing th
Post# of 15187
One thing that people forget is if this gaps up, on the open,and there are 100-150 million short, the will get a margin call.payable asap.Now, if there is heavy volume that day, smaller
traders and big will move it up, forcing shorts to cover at the ask.Either way, they need to cover.Now, if they were really dumb, they would then short the security to make up for the margin call. with the qs showing increased rev, all hjoe would need to do is release good news, product run, additional orders,jerky deal,and the whole process starts again.I can't imagine wanting to lose tens of millions of dollars ,on basically back to back days.
In a nut shell, it's easy to short hype or a pump.But, by the time hjoe returns, that will not be an option. Shorting this would be suicide, the right news again would have shorts taking cataclysmic losses.
Don't forget the SEC knows the story and situation. I would think they would monitor this from the get go.Im sure hjoe has complained and brought it to attention ....the manipulation. It would be gutsy/highly risky to short this after a margin call with others,colluding.The SEC could put away a lot of people day one or two.