Eric's NEWB Lesson of the Week:
A small position is better than no position at all. In all the excitement of the trips runners and lotto plays I find myself taking $200-300 and buying absolute garbage hoping it runs out of the trips and into the teens. The pure size of shares makes me do this stupid thing. I have 3 crap stocks right now that I tied up capital in because I figured why not grab a 1 million shares of $BCAP, $CCTL etc.. rather than maybe 10-20k of a true runner like $GAHC. Heck if 1 million shares takes off it's $100 profit per tick so I'll blow the $GAHC profits away. Well that is a very stupid strategy folks. It might work from time to time but it's like finding a needled in a haystack. Going forward I'll take that smaller position on a solid stock rather than accumulate dog shit hoping for the big payday.
Just my 2 cents for the day in my learning journey. Hope it helps any other of us NEWBS!!
****Disclaimer**** Nothing I post is meant to be investment advice. Please do your own DD and research. At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions. I click the buy button and I click the sell button. I and I alone.