Anti-basher comment from a few returning traders w
Post# of 4945

I have backed up the returning poster with the following:
"Exactly - merely opinion. Meanwhile, in the real world, it is a known fact that long term watchers continue to accumulate multiple 10Ms of shares by maintaining a large bid at .0003.
I know how many I have picked up already and I will be picking up a lot more - at .0004 if necessary - for the "effectively free" long-term cache I maintain using profits from the several runs that have already taken place with the current A/S, O/S and float (or near enough as makes no difference).
Minimal updates from me from now on (on iHub). Those that understand that $DIGX is a proven, repeat winner don't need any further justification and will add when they are ready - even if it means paying .0004/5 later - they should still make money.
All the shares I'm collecting will come in handy later - whether it is on an acquisition update which can come at any time, or the 2Q results, or when $DIGX becomes a $3M company at some point rather the $2M company it is at present."

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A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.