Obama’s Legacy Warning: cognitive dissonance
Post# of 65629
Obama’s Legacy
Warning: cognitive dissonance zone ahead. Riighties are advised to activate 'fact deflector shields' to reduce the chance of heads exploding like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s9-qP7_Q1E
Twofer with accomplishments AND Slim F*ckin' Whitman!
You're welcome!!
Nearly 450 Obama Accomplishments, With Citations
There are a lot of naysayers out there, but those who claim that President Barack Obama was not that great or even “a disaster” as President really do not know what they are talking about. Obama not only brought grace and dignity back to the White House, but he also accomplished a lot. He would have accomplished more, but “we the people” (including the professional left) labeled him “a disappointment” in his first two years, even though his policies prevented an economic depression and gave everyone better health insurance at a lower cost that would otherwise be the case.
This was a remarkable man; easily the most “presidential” president we have seen in a while. And he has accomplished a lot, despite the hurdles we placed in his way, not the least of which was a Republican Congress that refused to do anything he proposed because they wanted to damage him.
As a way to remember what a remarkable president he actually was, I present this list of many of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. It is not absolutely comprehensive; I’m sure many are missing. However, every one of them is cited as fact, so attempts to dismiss them will be dealt with accordingly; with a hearty, dismissive laugh. What is here is a hell of a legacy.
If liberals want to win elections – and in a democracy, that must be our main goal – we have to be able to make people want to vote for us. That means accentuating the positive, and talking about how great we are, especially compared to the alternative. This is a liberal record that we can be proud of.