In 2017 the American confidence artist arrives in a small country in the Middle East aboard Air Force One. In a plot twist that defies credibility, he actually is the president of the United States. In Jerusalem and Bethlehem, he aims at convincing Palestinian and the left-leaning half of the Israeli public that he will lead them to the peace agreement that has eluded everyone before him—and at convincing the Israeli prime minister and the right-leaning half of the Israeli public that he is the Republican president they've dreamt of, the one who will stop talking about Palestinian rights, recognize that “united Jerusalem” belongs to Israel, and even blow up the perfidious accord with Iran.
d.j. trump has not changed one iota.
Lie Lie Lie....
He has taken the Carpet Bagger Road Show International.
He is so good, even Barnum and Bailey have quit.
This Circus is the D.J. TRumps's Greatest "SHOW" on earth.
sorry P.T.