Trump Threw A Tantrum And Ticked Off Germany By C
Post# of 65629
Trump Threw A Tantrum And Ticked Off Germany By Calling The Germans Very Very Evil
US President Donald Trump complained bitterly about the German trade surplus on his meeting with the EU top in Brussels. “The Germans are evil, very evil,” said Trump. This was learned by the SPIEGEL from participants in the meeting. Trump said, “Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US, and we’ll stop that.”
The world’s only superpower is being run by a man who has to have his television time monitored because cable news gets him too riled up and makes him want to tweet.
Trump’s tantrum is the lead in all of the German newspapers because it sounds like this president is aching for a trade war that will destroy the US economy. Donald Trump wants to slap a tariff on the imports of American allies.
If Donald Trump wants German cars no longer sold in the United States, he better be prepared for American products not be sold in Germany.
The Germans aren’t evil for making cars that Americans want to buy. The only evil in this conversation resides between Trump’s ears because the president is apparently trying to destroy free market capitalism.
Holy Cow,this Slug just started a Trade War that he cannot win.
Ford is the largest non German Auto Maker with plants in Germany. Way to go Dumb shit Donnie.
. Germany is the strongest economy in the EU, Putin wants the EU gone.
Trump badmouths Germany at every turn as he's Putin's puppet.