ivan opening the doors...Current Digital Theatrical Distribution of first run studio films rests on 14 year old core technologies. While it is called DIGITAL distribution, in reality, the cans of films have been replaced with digital hard drives which are now sent via FedEx to cinemas globally (which then need to be shipped back). Once there, they need to be played on very costly ‘compliant’ digital projectors (limited to four brands). For reasons which are beyond the scope of this presentation, this costly, antiquated model is likely to remain in place for now for major studio films.
In contrast, the true digital e-distribution created by SwigCine utilizes cutting edge and patented technologies, and is tested and market ready. Thus, while major US studio films may lag behind, a vast number of new and older titles can utilize SwigCine right away. Examples include:
- Indie films, International films, Special Interest Films, along with major studio films which are past their theatrical window, but remain highly desirable on the large screen (and in second tier cinemas). - Titles which were shot on film and can now enjoy a new life after being scanned (HD or 4k).
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