Vaisala assesses causes and costs of avoidable cat
Post# of 301275

Vaisala Press Release May 3rd, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.
Vaisala assesses causes and costs of avoidable catastrophic transformer failure
Industrial measurement expert reviews industry data to demonstrate how conscientious maintenance programmes can prevent failures and associated costs
Vaisala, a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement, has studied recently released data by CIGRE - the international council on large electric systems - to reveal the most significant risks of transformer failure and the leading causes of downtime. [1] CIGRE data shows that almost 50% of failures resulting in downtime originate in transformer windings, with tap changers accounting for a further 23%.
Dealing with each of these immediate causes of failure carries costs that range from repair to refurbishment that could cost up to 70% of replacement, on top of the roughly €100,000 of lost output for every fifteen minutes' downtime, to the several million-euro price tag of a new transformer, or even tenfold higher if a transformer explosion causes collateral damages to surrounding substation infrastructure and other high voltage equipment. The duration of an outage caused by a failure varies significantly, lasting anything from a few hours to several years, depending on the type and severity of the failure.
"The industry has been well aware of the significant costs involved in transformer failure for quite some time - both in terms of damage to the asset itself and the resulting loss in revenues," said Senja Leivo , Senior Industry Expert at Vaisala. "However our analysis of CIGRE's failure statistics demonstrates how, with diligent monitoring and maintenance schemes, teams can avoid many failures in the fleet.
"Looking more closely reveals the individual factors that contribute most to failures - insulation deterioration, design and manufacturing and improper maintenance & repair. In light of the research data, it's all the more important for asset owners to make use of online monitoring methodologies as part of their asset management strategies to identify and tackle these issues as they arise - and before they have a chance to cause thousands, if not millions, of Euro's worth of damage."
According to data collected by CIGRE, design and manufacturing account for 20% of all causes leading to transformer failures. Other frequent faults leading to failures include insulation ageing and deterioration (15%), and improper maintenance and repair (10%). In light of these findings, Vaisala has stressed the importance of online condition monitoring as the best way to support proper transformer maintenance schemes.
A significant portion of faults that lead to transformer failures are foreseeable and predictable. This means they can be prevented, or at the very least their effects mitigated, provided the right methodologies and equipment are used as part of a conscientious maintenance programme. Faults can only be prevented or remedied if they are recognised, and while regular monitoring through site visits and scheduled oil sampling will identify around half of all potential faults before they develop into a critical problem, online monitoring, which continuously gathers transformer data, will spot 90% of faults early.
Despite the high cost of downtime, and the long lead times of replacement transformers, to date there has been little focus on identifying the most pernicious primary and secondary causes that underlie faults and failings.
Typically, for a fleet of 1,000 transformers, five will fail in any given year, while a further 100 will generate abnormal gas levels due to developing faults or spots of high temperature. In order to take preventative action, and cut the number of failures and faults in half, Vaisala recommends the use of advanced online dissolved gas analysis (DGA) methods, such as its Optimus DGA TM monitor.
Not only do these methodologies allow for more accurate review and optimisation of transformer assets, but, based on these, the data gathered further allow plant owners and operators to make better informed decisions when it comes to scheduling future maintenance and replacements. In turn, this can result in long-term savings and a decreased risk of catastrophic failure.
The Optimus, for instance, uses vacuum gas extraction to provide a fully representative analysis of all dissolved fault gases present in a transformer's oil. The resulting data are available via an online interface, giving continuous, real-time analysis of a transformer's condition - and reducing the likelihood of unforeseen faults developing to the point of costly repair or failure.
The next opportunity to learn more about Vaisala's power industry offering will be at ELFACK 2017, The Nordic Trade Fair for Tomorrow's Electricity Industry, in Gothenburg, Sweden from 9 to 12 May. The fair brings together those operating within the electricity and power sector for a range of discussions on the ideas and innovations that will shape the sector in future.
For more information, please contact:
Senja Leivo Senior Industry Expert Vaisala Tel + 358 40 582 0585
Marina Stenfors Communications Manager Vaisala Tel +358 50 364 4909 About Vaisala
Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building on 80 years of experience, Vaisala provides observations for a better world. Our instruments and systems are used in over 150 countries in demanding industries, including airports, pharmaceuticals, and power generation. Vaisala sensors are used in the harshest places on earth - arctic, maritime, and tropical environments - and even on Mars. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1,600 professionals worldwide and is listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki stock exchange. For power generation and transmission industry , Vaisala provides unique measurement equipment for online monitoring of transformer insulation oil. Our reliable solutions support in planning and optimizing the preventive maintenance of power transformers, and thus help to extend their lifetime and reduce the risk of unexpected and costly outages.
[1] CIGRE, Transformer Reliability Survey, TB642, 2015