I appreciate the stories, yours is a good one LT, discipline with motivation is unstoppable. Allot of guys miss the point and 25 years later are still sleeping on a hammock, waiting for their ship to come in. I never slept on a hammock, perhaps is the reason my companies are underfunded to some degree. But I'm always working at it. Wins and losses along the way. I owned a smoke shop once too....not good. LOL but its trust in god; the guts to keep trying that keeps me good, and the humility to stay grounded when it is good. A lot of guys are still on the hammock that were motivated and didn't catch the one or two breaks it took to make the difference. Or maybe just didn't understand what it is to be motivated. I know I'm blessed to have gotten a few breaks. I will be okay (lord willing) with or without USGA, but something has had me looking at thing since 2003, I think this could be that break that changes my funding situation and lowers the stress level. Sounds like you and Joe are blessed too. Love the stories!