Global Roaming Tariff Tracker and Analysis 2017: D
Post# of 301275

Dublin, May 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Roaming Tariff Tracker and Analysis" newsletter to their offering. The Global Roaming Tariff Tracker is a subscription service published 4 times a year (January, April, July & October) and provides an excel-based database of voice, SMS & mobile data roaming from 90 MNOs worldwide in 64 countries updated every quarter. Pricing is shown in local currencies, USD and Euro. With each edition it provides a PDF summary of new roaming products and pricing since the last quarter period. Roaming prices have confronted criticism in recent years and are undergoing significant changes at this present time. The European Commission has imposed regulation to the pricing of voice roaming charges and it saw the introduction of capped wholesale and retail voice prices for calls made within the EU on 30th August 2007, followed by capped SMS prices in July 2009 and wholesale and retail data prices also with further prices changes each year thereafter including SMS. Roaming is to be abolished in the EU at the end of 2015, with many operators already offering roam like home options. Roaming especially in the consumer market has been perceived as complex and expensive, despite operators having moved to attractive on-net pricing and easier-to-understand pricing structures, roaming prices often still hit the headlines with users especially when using data, receive invoices of high amounts. Findings reveal that offerings have increased through the launch of bundles and special schemes for both voice and data services. Both voice and data calls price changes have been mainly downward with some operators increasing rates to non-European destinations. Operators continue to seek to introduce innovative offers to help for the compensation of the potential loss in revenue from the imposed regulation. Services (both postpaid and prepaid) and prices covered include: Default (standard roaming) prices for: - Calling back home - Calling within a country - Receiving a call - Sending an SMS - Accessing the Internet - Details of Zoning Pricing details of bundled offerings: - Voice Bundles Cost, Validity, inclusive allowance, inside and outside the bundle price & comments) - Data Bundles Cost, Validity, inclusive allowance, inside and outside the bundle price & comments) - Integrated Bundles Cost, Validity, inclusive allowances (Voice, SMS, Data) and comments - Roam like Home Offerings Cost, Validity, prices and comments For more information about this newsletter visit
CONTACT: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Related Topics: Mobile Networks