This is very true!! I'm may piss and moan while all my stocks are RED but I refuse to sell. NOT A LOSS UNTIL SOLD!! The only one I bailed on to panic was when $DRWN started crashing after they announced RS coming and the PPS crashed from the .0010-.0012's down to .0005 quickly. I took a -$280 loss of my .0011's but saved the rest of my capital and tossed it into a $BCAP starter crop. I think that move will pay off as $BCAP IMHO is setting us up for a really nice ride the next week or so as they release news, website, etc...
****Disclaimer**** Nothing I post is meant to be investment advice. Please do your own DD and research. At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions. I click the buy button and I click the sell button. I and I alone.