ALBIOMA : 2016 Registration Document now available
Post# of 301275

Albioma announces that the French version of its Registration Document for the 2016 financial year has been made available to the public. It has been filed with the French Financial Market Authority ( Autorité des Marchés Financiers ) on 28 April 2017, under number D.17-0466.
The 2016 Registration Document includes:
· the Annual Financial Report for the 2016 financial year;
· the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors' on the conditions under which are prepared and organised the work of the Board and the internal control procedures implemented by the Company for the 2016 financial year and the related report of the Statutory Auditors;
· the information pertaining to fees paid to Statutory Auditors for the 2016 financial year;
· the description of the share buy-back programme.
The Registration Document may be consulted on Albioma's website, (" Financial publications" tab) and is available upon simple request at the Company's head office at the following address: Albioma, Company Secretariat, Tour Opus 12, 77 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92914 La Défense Cedex, France.
The English version of the Registration Document shall be available shortly.
Next on the agenda: Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders at 3 pm on 31 May 2017
About Albioma
Albioma is an independent energy producer and world leader in the conversion of biomass into a highly-effective source of energy, in collaboration with its agri-business partners. For more than 20 years, Albioma has operated power plants recovering bagasse, a fibrous by-product of sugar cane, replaced by coal outside the sugar cane harvest. Its unique expertise has enabled Albioma to establish itself as an indispensable partner in the sugar and ethanol industry in the French overseas territories and Mauritius. Albioma is now developing power plants using only biomass, which recover, in addition to bagasse, green waste and wood industry residue. The Group also operates a highly-efficient photovoltaic installation. In 2014, the Group, which already had a presence in mainland France, the French overseas territories and Mauritius, began operating in Brazil, the world's leading sugar cane producer.
For further information, please visit
Investor contacts
Julien Gauthier +33 (0)1 47 76 67 00
Media contacts - LPM Strategic Communications
Luc Perinet-Marquet +33 (0)1 44 50 40 35
Albioma shares are listed on Euronext Paris (sub B) and eligible for the deferred settlement service (SRD) and PEA-PME plans.
ISIN FR0000060402 - Ticker: ABIO