$CRWG operates a media network of forum and online
Post# of 10465

We continue to focus on pursuing opportunities to improve and increase monetization of ourconsolidated media network as well as opportunities to evolve our holdings by focusing more on the cannabis vertical which will allow for us to have more predictable growth due to the rate at which this segment of the economy is growing.
We initially entered the digital cannabis space with the acquisition of WeedTracker.com, an online community forum dedicated to the cannabis industry in 2015. Going forward, we will launch other cannabis communities as well as leveraging our existing free forum building software to allow users to create their own cannabis themed communities. In this way we will continue the initial mission CrowdGather was formed for which was to ‘gather’ a large crowd of online enthusiasts, but with an emphasis on moving away from the diverse verticals we currently service so that we can gain significant leverage by focusing primarily on the online cannabis space. Additionally, when funding permits it, we intend to ‘gather’ the crowd offline through the launch of cannabis themes coworking spaces beginning when our current lease is up in November 2016. By consolidating all of our efforts into the burgeoning cannabis vertical, we hope to generate enough free cash flow to then leverage our capital into other attractive cannabis related acquisitions and opportunities.
CrowdGather, CEO Sanjay Sabnani, to Lift Company’s Silence and Become Fully Reporting https://upticknewswire.com/crowdgather-ceo-sa...reporting/