IT – Genium INET 5.0.0210 MiFID II Project Updat
Post# of 301275

This message contains important information regarding the Genium INET upgrade on November 18 th to version 5.0.0210 which includes new mandatory functionalities and enhancements going live November 20 th 2017.
The draft technical specifications for OMnet are now available on the Technical Information web site. To accommodate early development and testing, the parts of the draft technical specifications that are final can be viewed in the below link under tab “All Asset Classes OMnet” Draft technical specifications for FIX will be made available May 19 th . Attached is an updated Summary Member Impact document describing the changes to OMnet in release 5.0.0210. Please see the Revision History for changes. Information on the 5.0.0210 MiFID II release is available on the Technical Information web site. The site will be continuously updated.
For general questions on the release, please contact: Technical Relations Anders Bergström
+46 8 405 7364 For technical questions, please contact: Tech Support +46 8 405 6750