Umicore - All agenda items approved at the shareho
Post# of 301275

On Tuesday 25 April 2017, Umicore held its ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meetings at its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Shareholders approved all agenda items. Details of the resolutions are available on Umicore's website.
The ordinary shareholders' meeting approved the payment of a gross dividend of € 1.30 per share (ISIN BE0003884047). Taking into account the gross interim dividend of € 0.60 paid in August 2016, a balance gross amount of € 0.70, representing a dividend of € 0.49 net of withholding tax, will be paid on 2 May 2017.
The System Paying Agent designated for the payment of the 2016 dividend is:
KBC Bank Havenlaan / Avenue du Port, 2 1080 Brussels
For more information
Investor Relations
Evelien Goovaerts +32 2 227 78 38
Eva Behaeghe +32 2 227 70 68
Media Relations
Tim Weekes +32 2 227 73 98