Received this note from a fellow CTIX long who fir
Post# of 72444
"I am hoping to be able to have the vision to be able to buy significant amounts as the price starts its ascent . I have a little extra $$ set aside , and as the shorts are pushing the stock up , I want to be pushing it up on them too , and I do not mind if I have to pay double what I have been paying here of recent . All of you are so very strong for having endured this manipulation . This is yet another way by which some fairness can be introduced , late in the game though it is . And I have made mention to a few of you that I have some real extra money so as to
try to have the SEC go further with its investigation , but not as to interrupt any pro- gress that Leo and Sullivan have made .
I am sure that the three investors who ponied up some money recently know
that all of you are just as angry , if not more so , to have been cheated so flagrantly and for so long . Courage - you are almost there ! "
Go CTIX!!!