Better late than never I guess. Where were all
Post# of 171

Where were all these heroic raconteurs during the decades when Prof. Yvonne Paterson was trying to get anybody to trial her invention?
Where were they when an ingenue did run a Phase I with borrowed money from the most notorious financier of the time and was destroyed by the vulture after spectacular results?
Where were they when Adam Feuerstein destroyed ADXS again after Thomas Moore rescued ADXS from its grave partially with his own money but hefty withdrawals in India destroyed any stats from a pre-cancerous lesion trial?
Guess it's good the heroes have arrived but why does no one much notice the therapeutic bone cancer vaccine for big dogs that should already have approval from the Department of Agriculture? The Ags don't know from nothing about a weird therapeutic vaccine but the FDA did approve a therapeutic vaccine adjuvant treating racehorse cancers by itself long ago. Guess the Ags couln't ask the FDA that had probably forgotten anyway.
Nearly all water under the bridge but what looks like unhinged promos to the unaware are less than adequate to me. I was there at the beginning.
Sorry about that. I only really hope now that ADXS won't be sold for pottage that nearly all posters seem to pine for. That would be like butchering a fairytale goose just before she laid her first golden egg IMO.
Best, Terry