I go down in the "Normal Traders" column this week so far. I shall repeat the Mantra over and over again all day and night going forward. Last week I did great flipping MMEX but this week I got the FOMO on the next USRM so held MMEX all the way down and lost profits. Thank goodness I got in a nice chunk of GBSN this morning. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits. buy support, sell resistance, take profits.
****Disclaimer**** Nothing I post is meant to be investment advice. Please do your own DD and research. At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions. I click the buy button and I click the sell button. I and I alone.