1. Huge ask of 400m... mantis Friday, 03
Post# of 2102

mantis Friday, 03/31/17 02:51:30 PM
Re: None
Post # of 67777
There are few things which make me hold my position -
1. Huge ask of 400m , whoever is willing to buy these many shares has some info. And the fact that they are not in a rush to raise the bid means that whatever is coming is not coming very soon, many be next week or after. These guys are patient.
2. Garth used to reply to my emails ( which I was sending every couple of months) promptly , the last one I sent him back in January he replied within 10 minutes. Every time he was saying that he needs more funds to get his plans for canwealth restarted. I have sent him a couple of emails this week and left a voicemail - no response. I suspect that if he did not know what's going on and this sudden splash of activity has nothing to do with him he'd simply say so. I think his silence is mandatory at this point. Something is brewing.
3. Whatever we see going on with the stock is definitely a result of someone's interest. 'Garth selling' is BS, we had no bid for months. Try to sell when there is no bid. If he wanted to sell now he'd fill that huge bid of 400m in a second.
I hope next week we figure out what's up.

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