Annual general meeting of P/F BankNordik 2017 At
Post# of 301275
At the annual general meeting of P/F BankNordik on Friday, March 31, 2017, the general meeting:
- Approved the Chairman’s report, audited annual accounts and anuual report 2016, and the allocation of net profit, including the proposed total dividend payment of DKK 300,000,000 corresponding to DKK 30 for each share of DKK 20.
- Approved the proposal from the board of directors that the general meeting elects five members to the board of directors.
- Re-elected Stine Bosse, Rúni Vang Poulsen and Jógvan Jespersen, and elected Kim Jacobsen and Barbara Pállsdóttir Vang to the board of directors
- Re-appointed P/F Januar, løggilt grannskoðanarvirki together with PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external auditors
- Adopted the Remuneration committees proposal regarding remuneration of the board of directors for 2017
Immediately after the annual general meeting the board of directors met to elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman. Stine Bosse was re-elected Chairman and Rúni Vang Poulsen was re-elected as Vice Chairman. The board of directors of P/F BankNordik hereafter consists of:
- Stine Bosse, Chairman of the board
- Rúni Vang Poulsen, Vice Chairman of the board
- Jógvan Jespersen, board member
- Kim Jacobsen, board member
- Barbara Pállsdóttir Vang, board member
- Kenneth M. Samuelsen, board member elected by the employees
- Tórhallur Olsen, boardmember elected by the employees
P/F BankNordik
CEO’s Office