$IFBC Just Wine: pioneers in italian wines e-comm
Post# of 25244

Formely known as Wine-Food-Italy, an eBay online store based in Rome, Just Wine SpA was established in 2004. In 2009, Just Wine moved Wine-Food Italy operations from eBay to it’s own website: justwine.it.
In 2011, Just Wine was officially founded as a limited liability company with headquarters, offices and warehouse based in Rome.
Today, Just Wine is located in a number of Central and Eastern European markets as well throughout the rest of the world, with offices in Vienna, Austria offices and warehouse in Gyor, Hungary and offices with a warehouse in Singapore.
In September 2012 Just Wine was reorganized as an SpA corporation (Joint Stock Company).
In October 2012, Just Wine established a second Italian website, www.justwinemarket.com, aiming for more sensible, selective class of wine connoisseurs and customers.
Currently Just Wine SpA operates on 2 other marketing platform, eBay and Amazon, and plans to start operating also on Alibaba.
The abroad Just Wine’s e-commerce activities are operated by the following subsidiaries:
Just Wine Far East Pte. Ltd, established in November 2012 in Singapore.
Websites: justwine.com.sg – sg.justwinemarket.com