Capgemini : Availability of the 2016 Registration
Post# of 301275
CAP GEMINI Société anonyme au capital de 1 353 196 640 euros Siège social : à Paris (17ème) 11, rue de Tilsitt 330 703 844 RCS Paris
Paris, March 17, 2017
The Capgemini Group filed on March 17, 2017 its 2016 Registration Document ("Document de Référence") with the AMF.
The 2016 Registration Document is available in French on the website of the company
An English translation will be available shortly at the following address: or
The following documents are included in the Registration Document:
- the 2016 annual financial report,
- the report by the Chairman of the Board of Directors required under Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial Code (corporate governance, internal control and risk management),
- the share buyback programme description,
- and the fees received by the auditors.
Copies of the Registration Document are also available at the head office on demand (11 rue de Tilsitt, 75017 Paris, France).