I agree with Joey. If you are feel that strongly about a CEO and their ability to deliver, you should never have invested this early. You should have waited for confirmation validation of things such as phase 2 completion and sales #'s. The downside to that is you would be getting in at a much higher price and losing out on bigger profits. On the other hand, you would be spared from losing money if they are truly over committed and can't deliver. In my opinion, this is a long process that requires lawyers, paperwork, time to deliver product and many other things that are required to grow a company. Sounds like you want instant results. The stock has gone from trip 0's to pennies and has settled to around 1.5 without any news from some time now. That alone says a lot for a company. Most pump and dumps would be at back to their starting price by now. In my opinion, they are doing all the right thing for long term growth. I true pinky would be blasting PR's every week with no true substance. Talk to the IR firm, talk to various liquor stores about the product. That is where you will find your answer.....JMHO.
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Words to remember "Investing is a Marathon not a Sprint"