So true. I'm on a few other boards on ihub as well. That's where I found myself when the yahoo group message boards ended. I was somewhat new on the hub. Maybe going back about a year now. I've noticed a growing trend. People bashing the hub on other boards for allowing people to leave false information about different companies. At first I was naive to this but it grew on me. I recognized names from page to page. Then I started looking into the names. It's such a bad look. That site. I can't believe they allow the shit they do. I still post there from time to time but you don't get responses from anyone that is trustworthy or a response that is worthy of a reply. Just some asshole that sits in the darkness of his mothers basement breathing heavy from the weight of his double chin pushing down on his air ways. It would be nice if this site could pick up some new followers. Not that I don't like you guys. I mean just a bigger following to cancel out the other site.