The Democrat High Priestesses in White By Fay V
Post# of 51469
The Democrat High Priestesses in White
By Fay Voshell
March 4, 2017
There have been many interpretations concerning the mysterious bloc of women Democrats robed in white -- all the while pointedly ignoring President Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress.
Some critics compared the ladies to devotees of the Ku Klux Klan. Photoshopped images of them wearing the pointed hoods of the KKK almost immediately appeared, as some recalled the Democrat Party’s commitment to the Klan, particularly in the 1920s.
The women themselves have said they were honoring the suffragettes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries while indicating their ongoing commitment to women’s rights issues such as equal pay for equal work.
But not many conservatives believe the white wall of women was intended to be a merely symbolic gesture of solidarity with suffragettes.
Whatever each intended to convey by her choice of clothing, the entire the bloc of women in white was virtue signaling. That is one reason they chose white clothing.
The choice of white garments has long signified the sacred. Being dressed in white indicates being set apart, dedicated to sacred ideals, spiritually separated from the crowd as seeking to attain righteousness and purity. Whether Vestal virgins or, in the Christian tradition, the scared rituals of baptism and first communion, white is the garment of choice. It indicates purity of life and deeds which the rest of the world should seek to attain.
In the case of many, if not all of the feminists who sat on their hands and refused to stand as a gesture of support for Carryn Owens, widow of Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, the garments indicated they are the chosen priestesses of the pious Left, the defenders of the feminist faith.
To look at the bloc of white garbed Democrat women was to look at oracles of Delphi who have mystically discerned the most sacred right of women is the right to sacrifice their own offspring. To look at the high priestesses dedicated to the religion of radical feminism is to see leaders of a cult, the chief sacrament of which is abortion.
For nearly all leftist feminists, abortion is a holy rite, a religious ritual to be conducted in the cathedrals of Planned Parenthood and to be blessed by “faith leaders.”
Yes, you read that correctly. Blessed.
High priests and priestesses inside and outside the Beltway have committed to “blessing” abortion both by law and by religious rituals.
According to a recent Huffington Post article entitled “Religious Leaders Bless Planned Parenthood Health Center,” an group of clergy representing “Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and secular leaders gathered inside Planned Parenthood Metro Washington’s new Carol Whitehill Moses health center on Tuesday to perform a blessing of the space.”
The article goes on to cite Dr. Laura Meyers, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, who told the Huffington Post that “progressive” voices of faith should speak up for women:
“Having a group of interfaith clergy perform a ceremony focused on unity and wholeness therefore takes on special meaning to empower and celebrate rather than to stigmatize, control and dehumanize. Having such a ceremony take place at this moment in history is especially powerful for us as we seek to mobilize our communities of different faiths to come together to affirm and support the reproductive freedoms we cherish and have fought so hard to achieve.”
In the midst of all Meyers’ Newspeak, the most significant term is “reproductive freedom,” which is actually the Left’s code word for abortion on demand throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Abortion on demand is the freedom to be cherished and blessed.
According to HuffPo, Rev. Dr. Christine Y. Wiley, participant in the sacred blessing ceremony and co-pastor of Washington, D.C.’s Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, stated her Christian faith inspired her to support abortion:
“Many people do not understand that there are many kinds of Christians. Conservative Christians dominate the television and Radio media and influence people to think that this brand of Christianity ‘is’ Christianity. Although they have great influence, this stance is far from representing the true tenets of the person of Jesus Christ. As a progressive Womanist Christian who is concerned about wholeness in the community, especially for those who are marginalized and disenfranchised, my task is to do what Jesus did, to meet people where they are with love and understanding, and bring healing and freedom to them.”
For Reverend Wiley, Jesus, being filled with love and understanding, is all for abortion.
Is the reverend aware of the Jesus who said that if anyone harmed little ones, he or she should be cast into the sea with a millstone around his neck? Does she recall that Jesus said to his disciples, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Is she aware the Christian Church she claims to represent has been against abortion from its founding in the first century?
Is Wiley, who is black, aware that Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, targets blacks? Has she looked at the facts: 78% of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but account for 35% of the abortions in America.
But to the clergy of the Left, be they black or white, within or outside congress, neither statistics indicating black genocide nor the horrors of sex select abortion nor the death sentences passed on Down Syndrome babies will ever temper their support of abortion on demand. It is an inalienable right that transcends the actualities of the abattoir that is the church of Planned Parenthood, whose representatives have been filmed bargaining over the sale of baby body parts.
Most of the women in white belong to an essentially pagan death cult that elevates abortion to a sacred right and rite that is impervious to the claims of science and Christian morality.
That is why Nancy Pelosi’s claim that she is a Roman Catholic while she is a leader of the women in white is laughable. Her prime allegiance is to another faith altogether.
The allegiance to the ritual of child sacrifice is why the bloc of white robed women will fight the Trump administration tooth and nail when it comes to defunding the temples of Planned Parenthood. That is why they will wage war on any pro-life justice who might threaten to overturn Roe. v. Wade. That is why they will not do anything to defend the rights of little women in the womb. That is why they will continue to support the extermination of the handicapped within the womb.
Abortion is the sacrament that unites the Democrats’ women in white as surely as the sacraments of the Christian Church unite believers.
Christians are often dressed in white for sacred occasions: baptisms, confirmations, and weddings. Being dressed in white is a sign of new life, new beginnings, being born again, being redeemed.
That is why those who are believers are depicted in the book of Revelation as being given a white robe, the sign of the redeemed who have believed in the blood sacrifice of the God Man Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God whose innocent blood was given for all who believe. They are transported with joy.
What will this same Christ will say to those who unrepentantly and proudly wear robes soiled with the blood of innocents? What will he say to those who bless death?
Will he bless them, or will he say, “Depart from me. I never knew you.”
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