Trading Summary - February 9. Excellent day for
Post# of 4355

Excellent day for $INCC.
Longs - including me - bought out the .0010s when it was obvious that it was the last chance to accumulate for the multiple runs ahead and that the growing whale bid at .0009 was not going to fill.
NITE failing to fill ask slaps at the open was indicative that there might be a short position and he didn't want to lose his hold back shares - he moved up to .0011 at one point cancelling the available ask at .0010 after partially filling orders that should have been completely filled.
I issued warnings that bid sitters with 25M at .0009 were likely to get left behind as the low float $INCC was extremely thin to the upside.
News got re-issued via mainstream PR.
There was an immediate reaction from the market with 40M bought in 7 minutes - almost all of it at .0013.
As predicted, those that didn't hit the ask were left behind and some even repeated the error by only bidding at .0010 with 10M, even after 40M had just been bought at .0013.
After a few clueless people whacked the bid at .0012 and .0011, because they were unaware of what was going on, there were determined slaps on the undercut ask at .0012.
VNDM - who is never an issue as he is usually just selling a few M formerly restricted shares at a time for professionals like CPAs and attorneys who have taken shares for services rendered instead of cash - retreated to .02.
The remaining .0013s were bought out.
.0014s were started creating a new recent high.
Closed up 40% on 98.4M traded - of which the majority was at .0013.
Looking great going forward with 5 catalysts.
$INCC has a strong group of longs and clearly another group entered today with the buy of the first 40M .0013s.
I have also been keeping the PSG VIP members aware of developments as they happen.
For what it's worth, iHub is now also #1 on the iHub Breakout Board [which is of course only a measure of increased posting rate].
As a reminder for those new here, the 5 upcoming catalysts for which we can expect updates over the coming days, weeks and months are:
Name change.
Ticker change.
Acquisition of mj / CBD company SJR.
Acquisitions of 2 other companies in CA and Uruguay under discussion.
First public company to offer mj debt financing through real estate holdings.
$INCC - a proven. repeat huge profit winner for patient, observant longs who make decisive trading decisions and ignore the nonsense from the non-credible (aka iHub long-term paid / previous loser vendetta bashers) !

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A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.