The 'comments', with graphics in particular, are
Post# of 65629
RSM • 2 hours ago
She is a long time GOP communications operative. Like President Obama said in regards to trump during the election "You built this". Right wingers telling us how bad their guy is ironic. We already know.
Master-Shake • an hour ago
This sums it up the best. It's all about Bannon and Trump here who could care less about the constitution in the slighest. While this happens where are people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell? They are all going along with this including Mike Pence too. Let's all pretend everything is fine and Trump isn't doing anything questionable.
QB59 • an hour ago
Well Toots...why don't you take your concerns and start calling every damn rethug you have on your cell phone to spread the word? Take your GOPer ass up on the hill and start knocking on the doors of all those gutless wonders you call the leaders of your party and start sounding the alarm.
Call all the news shows and get some interviews to take the place of the "alternative facts" spewed by that crypt keeper CONway. We on the other side of the aisle, know what a fucking disaster the orange shitgibbon is.
It's your side that ushered this unhinged fascist and his white supremacist sidekick into the WH. We would like nothing more than to kick their asses out, but that will require your party to start the proceedings, since they are in charge of the whole damn federal government.
dlol • 2 hours ago
Trump hates this one so start spreading it.