Activity is NOT action. That is something I lear
Post# of 43065
This is for some very hard to do because of a work ethic that we were born with.
For physical work, building, production, maintenance yes doing something is usually accomplishing something.
That can not be said in this situation. Sometimes action is exactly the opposite of what is needed and can be counterproductive. Why on earth would we give or equipment away on the verge of a deal, are we crazy?
I believe that we as share holders have to understand the market place and the reason why the sale of our process and it's equipment has been held up.
Just a year ago when oil prices where so low it might have been difficult to even give it away. Now that the price of oil is much higher, and more importantly more stable the market has changed.
So let me ask, do you want a leader who is just moving around, giving updates that gives the bad guys more ammunition for criticism and appearing to be doing something. Or are you like me and are prepared to believe that he is doing what is in the best interests for the company and all of the money he has invested in it. Our CEO has more money in this then any one here, and continues to add monthly. Can any reasonable person really believe that he doesn't have the best interests in mind for PTOI?
As far as this great deal he has on the return on his investment, take a look around. Would you lend money at 12% with basically very little security, when you could go out and get that on some second mortgages on real estate, with secured backing.
Knowledge and education and the ability to understand the facts is what is important right now. We have learned a great deal in the last few years about how the money system works when it comes to stocks in the market we are in. Use that knowledge to make more money.
A number of years ago a man I knew was the head of a large company that was a subsidiary of a giant company. Each year these company heads were called in for a performance report. While the company was doing well he was told how well his reports were put together and professionally done.
A few years after that the market changed and there was a down turn in his market and a corresponding decrease in his profits. Now all of a sudden those reports where no longer professionally done as they were before, he was told.
What changed, his ability to write a profession report or the market place?
Very simply it was the perception of the CEO and the way he looked at the report. Rather childish but we all have our weakness.
Let us all make adult decisions about our company. I don't want to see our shareholders stomping on the floor and yelling like a child that wants a candy.
We are investors, now educated investors who make reasonable logical decisions and expect reasonable actions on the part of those we have entrusted
with running our company.
Just my thoughts from a lifetime of learning