DECN The Company has contracted Uni-Care Corp to
Post# of 11802
The Company has contracted Uni-Care Corp to exclusively distribute the Gen family of test strips to the Republic of South Korea, China and the Philippines. Uni-Care has activated the arrangement with the submission of an initial stocking purchase order for approximately 40,000 pieces of GenUltimate! test strips to be shipped immediately following the product's registration with South Korea's KFDA regulatory agency, expected in early December. Additional stocking orders are expected from sub-distributors in China and the Philippines. The Uni-Care Exclusive Distribution Agreement requires the annual purchase of a minimum of 250,000 GenUltimate! units in the next 12 months.
Macre Diagnostics S.R.L. has become the company's distributor to multiple countries in South America. Macre, located in Santa Cruz, Bolivia has secured its regulatory approvals and has placed an initial opening order for 10,800 pieces of GenUltimate! with a 12 month cumulative order for 2,850,000 units of GenUltimate!
Looks like we will see some good numbers in 2017. I am seeing a build of reviews on line from Walmart and others indicating increasing sales, looking good.