Want a good stock pick to make money and keep it coming. My pick is RMHB, Rocky Mountain High Brands and this is my reasoning: Their drinks are exceptionally good, (a simple taste will tell you that)., Since its a start up company there will be some trial and error but the selected management corrects the errors and moves forward. Growth via expansion of the territory for marketing and joint ventures, (Partners), will add growth. Acquisitions will jump start growth[ and that in RMHB's plan. Put it all together and you have a dream investment. As the company grows so does revenue and that converts to higher share price. The goal of RMHB is to reach the best trading platform and that is the N.Y. Stock Exchange. It won't happen over night and there will be stepping stones along the way but it will happen and while that progress all of a sudden dividends will appear. It all looks like a perfect picture and I intend to be part of it.