SIML !! GRASS VALLEY, CA -- (Marketwired) -- 12/27
Post# of 89153

Bob Stillwaugh, Chairman, stated, "Our Marketing Director is highly qualified and has started marketing our new SyncPal™ product to our existing audio/video distributors, as well as over 5,000 retailers in the global market as a part of our market test."
Mr. Stillwaugh further stated, "Our engineering has completed the design of the main circuit, and we are finalizing the actual control-panel and Wi-Fi design and software development that allows the broadcast studio to operate the unit via a smart-phone or internet connection. This device, in my opinion, is very state-of-the-art and has a great need within the industry. This is a good opportunity for our shareholders and our customers."
The radio interview with Chairman Robert Stillwaugh is very informative and is available to the public through the following link:
SyncPal™ is a cost-competitive commercial product with advanced applications for large broadcast studios. The proprietary technical applications allow the studio to quickly correct audio/video problems caused when the audio is out of sync with the video. The design includes the ability to control the SyncPal™ from a smartphone via any internet connection. The new technology platform imbedded in SyncPal™ will also serve for the next generation product being developed: the Simlatus-IBS™ (Immersive Broadcast Studio) for the highly recognized augmented/virtual reality technology markets.
About Simlatus Corp: Simlatus Corporation designs, manufactures and sells commercial audio and video broadcast equipment worldwide. The company has a current expanding revenue base developed over the past 18 years in the broadcast industry with long-term national and international distribution. Our customers include large broadcast giants such as CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, ESPN and DIRECTV, as well as many smaller broadcast customers which include religious facilities, international broadcast facilities, colleges, and radio stations.
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. Whereas management believes such representations to be true and accurate based on information and data available to the company at this time, actual results may differ materially from those described. The Company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ are and will be set forth in the company's periodic filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Robert Stillwaugh, Chairman
Simlatus Corporation
(800) 390-8446