BREAKING: Restaurants In Washington, DC Just Made
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Written by Truth Examiner (10 hours ago)
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A bunch of restaurants in Washington, DC are making a HUGE statement against the presidency of Donald Trump, and it’s an incredible one.
More than a dozen high-profile DC restaurants have pledged to donate a portion of their inauguration weekend profits to charity and aid organizations, including Planned Parenthood and an organization benefitting immigrants.
Sarah Massey of All In Service, the group organizing the inauguration weekend donations said that the 14 restaurants, bars, and cafes currently listed on the website are just the beginning. Massey said, “The team is talking to another dozen businesses right now. We would love to see the entire DC service industry participate.”
Donald Trump vowed during the campaign to defund Planned Parenthood and to deport two-to-three million undocumented immigrants. Donations to Planned Parenthood coming directly from those attending Trump’s inauguration is the perfect solution.
Participating restaurants get to pick from five aid organizations, as well as what percentage of their profits from inauguration weekend they plan to donate.
So far only one restaurant, Bourbon, has pledged to donate to Planned Parenthood. The others picked from Thrive DC, which serves homeless people, Mary’s Center, which provides healthcare and social services to low income DC residents, and Ayuda, which supports immigrants living in DC.
“The events of the inauguration present a vital opportunity to serve our nation’s capital by creating inclusive spaces, in service not only to our guests, but also to our community,” a statement on All In Service’s website read. “These are the fundamentals of hospitality, and it is in this spirit that we invite you to join us.”

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