Post# of 301275

share and voting rights disclosure form Pursuant to Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code ( Code de Commerce ), this form should be sent to
Autorité des marchés financiers Direction des Emetteurs 17, place de la Bourse 75002 PARIS
Tel.: 01 53 45 62 48/77 Fax: 01 53 45 62 68
Pursuant to Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Articles 221-1 2° f), 221-3 and following, and 233-16 of the AMF's general regulations, at the end of each month companies whose shares have been admitted for trading on a regulated market must disclose on their Website and transmit to the AMF the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital of the company if they have changed with respect to previously disclosed numbers. These companies are considered to be in compliance with the legal requirement set forth in Articles L. 233-8 and R. 233-2 of the French Commercial Code.
- Contact information for the person who is responsible for this disclosure:
- Last name and first name: BRIATTA Gilles, General Secretary
- Tel: 01 57 29 64 28. Fax: 01 42 14 59 34. Email:
- Company making the disclosure
- Corporate name: SOCIETE GENERALE.
- Address of corporate headquarters: 29, boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris
- Regulated market (Eurolist):
Compartment A Compartment B Compartment C
1. Total number of shares comprising the share capital of the company making the disclosure: 807,650,827 shares. Total number of voting rights of the company making th e disclosure including suspended voting rights (gross or theoretical voting rights): 892,708,493
(As provided for in the last paragraph of Article 223-11 of the general regulations, the total number of voting rights is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares that are deprived of voting rights.)
- Cause of the variation: change in the number of shares with double voting rights.
- Date on which this variation was observed: 30 November 2016
When the last disclosure was filed on 9 November 2016:
- the total number of shares was equal to: 807,650,827
- the total number of voting rights was equal to: 893,094,085
- Total number of voting rights of the company making the disclosure excluding suspended voting rights (net or exercisable voting rights): 884,456,320
(Companies may disclose the total number of voting rights on the basis of all the shares to which effectively exercisable voting rights are attached; this information is optional.)
- Inclusion in the bylaws of a clause that requires disclosure whenever there is a threshold disclosure requirement in addition to that related to legal thresholds
(This information is not required by law, and will therefore be given on a voluntary basis, as the AMF's purpose is to be able to inform the shareholders of listed companies of the existence of such clauses) YES (if so, please attach an excerpt from your company bylaws containing this clause and then update this information) NO
Signed in Paris la Défense on 6 December 2016
Gilles Briatta General Secretary