JSC Latvian Shipping Company financial reporting c
Post# of 301275

JSC Latvian Shipping Company will publish financial reports as follows:
- for 3 months financial information – 26.05.2017;
- for 6 months interim financial report – 25.08.2017;
- for 9 months financial information – 24.11.2017;
- for 12 months audited annual report and audited consolidated annual report – till 28.04.2018.
About JSC “Latvian Shipping Company”
JSC “Latvian Shipping Company” (Nasdaq Riga: LSC1R) is vessel owner in the segment of medium and handy size tankers. The company owns 16 modern vessels employing more than 1300 professional and high-skilled seamen from Latvia. Besides, LSC subsidiary “LSC Ship management” Ltd is technically serving 7 more vessels, thus managing a fleet of 23 vessels. The average age of the LASCO fleet is 8 years. All of the vessels have received ISM (International Safety Management) certificates.
Artis Ozolins, Communications Consultant JSC “Latvian Shipping Company” Telephone: +371-26179051 E-mail: Artis.Ozolins@mccannconsulting.lv www.lk.lv