IGE+XAO :Monthly statement regarding the total num
Post# of 301275

Société Anonyme with capital of 5,497,030 euros Head office : 16 Boulevard Déodat de Séverac 31770 COLOMIERS 338 514 987 RCS Toulouse
Regulated information
Monthly statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital (on 30 November 2016)
In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 222-12-5 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule.
Toulouse, 7 December 2016
Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,427,800
Total number of voting rights:
Gross (1) : 1,840,281 Net (2) : 1,763,061
(1) In conformity with the last paragraph of the article 222-12 of the AMF General Rule, the gross total number of voting rights is calculated on the basis of the whole shares composing the registered capital.
(2) The net total number of voting rights is calculated on the basis of the whole shares composing the registered capital after deduction of the shares without voting right (in particular treasury shares).
The following threshold crossing statutory obligation is added to the legal thresholds: Any natural person or legal entity, acting alone or jointly, who would hold, directly or indirectly, through one or several legal entities he controls according to the article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code, a number of shares or voting rights representing two (2) percent of the capital or of the company voting rights or any multiple of this percentage and even if this percentage is superior to the 5% legal threshold, will have to notify to the company by registered letter sent to the head office the total number of shares or voting rights he holds within 15 days beginning from the day one the threshold is exceeded.
ABOUT THE IGE+XAO GROUP For over 30 years, the IGE+XAO Group has been a software publisher designing, producing, selling and supporting a range of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Simulation software dedicated to Electrical Engineering. These software products have been designed to help manufacturers in the design and maintenance of the electrical part of any type of installation. This type of CAD/PLM/Simulation is called "Electrical CAD/PLM/Simulation". IGE+XAO has built a range of Electrical CAD/PLM/Simulation software designed for all the manufacturers. IGE+XAO employs 390 people around the world at 32 sites and in 21 countries, and has more than 86,400 licences distributed around the world. IGE+XAO is a reference in its field. For more information: http://www.ige-xao.com
IGE+XAO GROUP CONTACTS IGE+XAO Group , 16 Boulevard Déodat de Séverac - CS 90312 - 31773 Colomiers cedex - France Phone: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36 - Fax: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 37 - www.ige-xao.com Listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment C - ISIN FR 0000030827 EnterNext© PEA-PME 150 index Analysts/ Investors contact : Alain Di Crescenzo (Chairman of the Group): +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36 Press contact : Rozenn Nerrand-Destouches: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 02