The observation status for RusForest AB is removed
Post# of 301275

On October 24, 2016, the shares in RusForest AB were given observation status with reference to a press release published the same day by Dimesilia Holdings Ltd. with information regarding a public offer to the shareholders in RusForest AB. On November 23, 2016, Dimesilia Holdings Ltd. published a press release with information about the outcome of the public offer.
With reference to the above, Nasdaq Stockholm AB has decided that the observation status for the shares in RusForest AB (RUSF, ISIN code SE0005132511, order book ID 35761) shall be removed with effect as of today, December 7, 2016.
For further information about this exchange notice please contact Niklas Ramstedt or Karin Ydén, telephone + 46 8 405 60 00.