Poem you and hot can call me whatever you want.
Post# of 65629

ffitz - your show people are still worse than your jock people
but not as bad as your college town foo foo readers.
A disgusting measure of humanity flailing about with made up shit.
If anyone notices the dislike, Its (alias HOT)
He don't like stocks that only go up 80% in the morning.
He obviously don't know his ass from his elbo.
Beware of any stocks, if he ever posts one!
from my email.
Hi fitzkarz,
HOT disliked your post on Investors Hangout.
click here to view the post HOT disliked.
click here to visit HOT's profile.

Here is the best word that describes what i do here.
means having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning process.
I was born with it, I'm truly blessed!
Alway's searching for winners'