The Shockingly Stupid Reason “Educated” Women
Post# of 65629

The Shockingly Stupid Reason “Educated” Women Gave For Voting For Misogynist Trump
By Rmuse on Mon, Nov 14th, 2016 at 12:48 pm
Economic growth, declining deficit, lower taxes, and historical record of job creation means “the country going in the wrong direction."
There was little doubt that white males, particularly white Christian males, were going to vote heavily for a misogynistic loudmouth authoritarian like Donald Trump to be their fascist leader.
As Dr. George Lakoff explained in the brilliant book The Political Mind and other works, conservatives, particularly weak-minded faith-dependent conservatives, require a “strong daddy” figure to tell them what and more importantly how to think, tell them what they really want and need to do, and tell them that only he can make their miserable wretched lives worth living.
In turn, the brain-addled frightened conservative duly serves the “man-god” without due regard to their own self-interests; because those interests are defined by the “daddy figure” they handed control of their pathetic lives over to.
One expects more from women; particularly from American women. However, the recent election proves that no matter the high regard one might have for American women, at least half of women voters who ticked the box next to Trump’s name are just as frightened, just as weak-minded, and just as “man-dependent” for life direction as their male counterparts; and now they have a misogynist “daddy authority” who will decide what they need, what they want and decide if and when they get anything.
To make matters worse, they gave clearly bizarre reasons for willingly voting for the man who will hand religious Republicans a legislative rubber stamp to put women precisely where the religious right and Donald Trump want them; under religious white men’s thumbs where the bible says they belong.
It also means that a rapidly declining deficit, historically lower taxes, and a historical record of job creation is “the country going in the wrong direction.” Median income rose over 5 percent for Americans for the first time in two decades, but that too is a sign the country is going in the wrong direction to women supporting Trump.
22 million more Americans have healthcare insurance than a few years ago, but to women Trump supporters that means the country going in the wrong direction.
Wages are climbing across the nation, particularly in left-leaning states, but that too is something that has to be reversed because it means the country going in the wrong direction.
More Americans are able to enjoy their Constitutional equal rights than ever before, but even that is a sign the country’s going in the wrong direction according to Trump supporters.
More Americans are reaping the benefits of cheaper energy due to efforts to combat climate change with clean and renewable energy, but that is the country going in the wrong direction.
And President Obama has been called the “deportation president” for deporting a record number of undocumented immigrants, but that is the wrong direction too?
This bizarre idea that the “country is going in the wrong direction” was an oft-repeated claim by nearly every human being this author “used to know” and that includes women who are successful in business and the workplace and are not religious or racist.
One has a fairly good idea where they heard the “country is going in the wrong direction” and it didn’t come from Hillary Clinton or any Democrat or anyone with healthcare insurance for the first time, or anyone now employed or making higher wages; it came from religious Republicans and the authoritarian “daddy figure’ they voted for to take the country in the opposite direction it has been going.
Half the women voters who chose Trump as their “daddy figure” may not be deep in the throes of Stockholm Syndrome yet, but by embracing his bovine excrement lies as fact means they are a step away from helping identify the women they know did not support “daddy” so the religious right misogyny police can target them for special torment evangelicals and Donald Trump believe they deserve.