Did you catch the CNN conversation last night with the one Trump supporter who stated, "hey he said he grabbed their pussy. He should say it again. Let's grab her pussy. We're all pussies." The reporter, baffled, responded, "Are you serious." THAT'S what you're trying to reason with here. Trying to reason with the unreasonable is an ancillary definition of insanity. That same genius who made that comment (I was paraphrasing), is the same moron who is spamming the online poll buttons. Very scientific.
On another front. Interesting dichotomy between fivethirtyeight and RCP polls. 538 shows a much stronger lead for Clinton, with RCP catching up at 7.5% higher now. Let me guess though, those polls aren't real and you're going to remind me that Little Trump (coined by Newt Gingrich), is claiming the election is rigged.
I think we should get the tissues ready.