And as I clearly stated there isn't only no eviden
Post# of 65629
Ditto for Ryan.
You take it as a given that being RC disqualifies you from public office. Which of course violates the Constitutional prohibition against religious test for holding public office.
You know what else Jesuits teach? Readin', writin', 'rithmetic, science, history, languages. I had nuns in grammar school and Christian Brothers in HS. I had friends who went to Jesuit HS's.
We learned how to think critically and un-dogmatically. Which, without exception, made us ball busting secularists!
That was THE irony of a RC education. I built up my physical and mental 'biceps' from carrying all of those fucking books home.
The homework was rigorous and relentless for all 12 years.
Those religious orders had three hots and a cot and determinedly taught us to think in ways the they knew would undo the faith of many of us.
Ask anyone you know with that background. It is verifiably accurate.