Nonsense, You persistence in conspiracy theories p
Post# of 65629
I don't find the RCC in any way supports free will. Nor does ISIS. Draw your own parallel's.
That may be the silliest parallel you've ever made, and that's saying something.
Blind adherence to dogma IS the parallel.
I don't know many Catholics who are not 'cafeteria Catholics' who slide their 'trays' past much if not most of Catholic dogma.
You overlook the power of education to subsume religious devotion/dogma under reason, critical thinking skills and yes, free will.
I think it's readily evident that applies to Protestants as well.
Kaine is an example of a politician who does not allow his RC beliefs to supersede secular law. I guess he's not getting the Pope's emails.
And I think he is the 'rule' that renders the exceptions small in number and ineffectual. Thankfully.