OT McAfee Wants to Go Home, Will Guatemala Let
Post# of 39368

McAfee Wants to Go Home, Will Guatemala Let Him?
posted (December 10, 2012)
That's a sharp change if direction from a few weeks ago when McAfee had an outlaw fantasy and said he wanted to fight corruption in Belize. On Sunday afternoon, he had a sort of electronic webcast from the holding facility where he answered a few questions via email. Here's how he explained his new longing for his home:.. We do know that McAfee was visited by US Embassy Officials in Guatemala city today. No telling how that will go, but the standard practice - in this country and Guatemala - is that when an illegal immigrant is caught they are deposited in the country from which they originated on their journey - in this case that would be Belize. Belize has also indicated via diplomatic note that authorities here want to interview McAfee as a person of interest. Another issue..... Belize... http://www.belizetimes.bz/2012/12/08/168m-dru...-crumbles/ John McAfee remains in a Immigration holding facility in Guatemala City - but tonight, one thing has changed; he's asking to be taken back to his home in the US.