i can actually understand why so many original inv
Post# of 43065
the OTC is a cesspool that has allowed those who illegally manipulate cycles
of money to *control* almost every outcome (usually the OTC company is
obliterated and the stock after providing FILTH with *$$$* .. is taken no bid)
hedge funds and *crews* tied to off shore entities .. can always *pay* for
another multi alias to overrun SMBs .. so when someone sees 45 posts
out of 50 .. always negative .. it's *conditioning retail by rote* for a reason
and that reason is almost always to get retail to buy as CEs' are selling
or *sell* because legit shares are actually needed for CEs' next round
this is one reason why i learned *another way* besides *charts* (which
i'm completely incapable of understanding) .. and imo *both sides of the
interchangeable crew* .. have forgotten about those close to the company's
founder .. who were the original investors ..
i can empathize with both originals and many who weren't (i entered with
100 shares @ approx $1.12 in Nov 2009) because way back in 2003
when we first entered an OTC stock called Force Protection (ticker would
evolve to FRPT before being uplisted on 1.18.07 and subsequently acquired by GD)
.. we bought 10,000 shares .. and for 2 years .. watched that *investment*
go south .. add in a RS (12/1) in Jan 2005 (from memory so i may be off
time line wise) .. our 10000 shares went to 833 .. and i neither added .. nor did
i sell .. for all of 2005/2006 .. in digesting our quarterly statements (amazing the tech
changes within the B/Ds since then) .. i just remember thinking that investment
was a total *loss* .. but i knew from family that the *products produced* (Military)
that the company was not only legit but desired in the field .. and there were
a few on an SMB (Investor Village) who pleaded with others to remain invested and not sell .. (trolls are everywhere)
so i never rounded up (which i do by rote now) .. or sold .. and then a funny thing happened
with what i now *recognize* as reality .. Force *seated* a BoD .. and that was
the signal that got CEs' to begin their partially laddered cover on FRPT
so from 50c in approx Dec 2005 .. to uplist on Jan 18, 2007 .. FRPT went
from approx 50c to 28.00+ .. we got lucky because we sold at the high
without *understanding* that the *stock* would be *reset* within the year
back to about $1.00
i know i use terms that aren't *troll oriented* .. but what i refer to as a partially
laddered cover imo is exactly what was done recently (x2) with GEVO and AVXL
and whole boatload of other equities
imo it may happen to PTOI .. this is when CEs' need to take UP the
stock but cant trigger other factors .. so i see what i refer to as rolling
their resets
(another long who also observes when able .. noted to me last week in his
opinion they were trying to wash trade PTOI up .. i totally agree .. but with
my *belief* that CEs' need to *reset* in the 04c to 045c range) ... so my
expectation is that we'll see a % taken up PPS wise .. say .. 5c to 075c
then a reset back to 06c .. then a take up to say 9c .. with a reset back to 8c
and so on .. but their real problem is they are presuming *traders* far outweigh
investors in P2O .. and 2015's *lack of volume* with a compressed PPS of
mostly sub 10c on par with 2010's volume .. proves them totally wrong ..
they blew their DD in their handoff from *pro to con* (Dec 2009 to Jan 2010)
and it has never changed .. everyone who wanted *out* sold by Jan 2014
*original* has expended massive amounts of *time* (money is a given) to get
actual P2O investors to sell .. and they have failed .. that may change if P2O
can't execute terms and conditions on 11.25.16 .. but right now that is their
biggest issue .. and just me perhaps .. but LL's $100,000 infused the day b4
the FILTH reset PTOI's 52 week low on an oft traded 18,500 *trade* from
March's 019 to August's 018 .. tells me there is indeed a there *there* for P2O
more than willing to see this through to the end ..
