S&P NY Amt-Free Municipal Bd Ishares (NYF) 113.95
Post# of 273257

33 Muni Bond ETFs to Augment Income Generation
etftrends@etftrends.com (ETF Trends) - ETF Trends - Fri May 13, 3:24PM CDT
Municipal debt and bond-related exchange traded funds have been used as a relatively stable fixed-income stream for many investment portfolios. Since muni bond interest is exempt from federal taxes, muni ETFs are a good way for investors seeking...
MEAR: 50.07 (unch), MUNI: 54.80 (+0.02), SHM: 48.86 (+0.02), SHYD: 25.22 (-0.06), TFI: 50.04 (+0.04), INY: 24.42 (+0.13), PZT: 25.11 (-0.02), IBME: 26.42 (-0.02), IBMF: 27.31 (unch), SUB: 106.04 (unch), IBMG: 25.55 (+0.01), RVNU: 27.46 (unch), IBMH: 25.66 (-0.01), IBMI: 25.84 (+0.02), CMF: 120.64 (+0.09), CXA: 24.99 (unch), BABS: 66.93 (-0.27), PRB: 24.61 (+0.04), SMMU: 50.48 (-0.01), HYMB: 59.28 (+0.03), MLN: 20.79 (+0.03), ITM: 24.60 (+0.04), HYD: 32.28 (+0.02), GMMB: 54.29 (-0.25), MUB: 112.71 (+0.15), XMPT: 28.71 (+0.17), NYF: 113.95 (+0.11), SMB: 17.67 (-0.02), BAB: 31.28 (+0.03), FMB: 54.10 (+0.15), PWZ: 26.61 (+0.01), PZA: 26.01 (unch)
BUYINS.NET: RSX, MUB, TTHI, NYF, DRN, IDX Are Seasonally Ripe To Go Up In the Next Five Weeks
M2 - Tue Dec 29, 6:21AM CST
BUYINS.NET / www.squeezetrigger.com is monitoring the Seasonality of Market Vectors Russia ETF (NYSE:RSX), iShares S&P National AMT - Free Municipal Bond Fund (NYSE:MUB), TRANSITION THERAPEUTICS INC (NASDAQ:TTHI), Ishares S & P New York (NYSE:NYF), Direxion Daily Real Estate Bull 3x Shares (NYSE

IDX: 23.78 (+0.19), MUB: 112.71 (+0.15), TTHI: 1.52 (unch), DRN: 25.50 (+1.25), NYF: 113.95 (+0.11), RSX: 18.96 (+0.20)
Muni Bond ETF Risks and Considerations
ETFtrends.com - ETF Trends - Mon Jul 13, 1:57PM CDT
Municipal bonds and related exchange traded funds have been used as a relatively stable fixed-income stream. Nevertheless, investors should also be aware of the risks associated with the investment category. For starters, one should know how a...
RVNU: 27.46 (unch), CMF: 120.64 (+0.09), MUB: 112.71 (+0.15), CXA: 24.99 (unch), NYF: 113.95 (+0.11), TFI: 50.04 (+0.04), PWZ: 26.61 (+0.01), INY: 24.42 (+0.13), PZT: 25.11 (-0.02)